Fri, July 1: Eszterházy Castle, Fertőd
Works by Italian composers from the beginning of the 17th century (Legrenzi, Marini, Rosenmöller), with Alexander Schneider
Sun, August 8: Nagyboldogasszony Church, Győr
Works of Legrenzi, Turini, Gabrieli, Haendel and Bach in the openingsconcert of the Early Music Festival.
Sun and Tues, August 14 and 16: Kaposfestfestival, Szivárvány Kultúrpalota, Kaposvár
August 14: Babell concerto and Haendels triosonata c moll. August 16: Works of Marini and Monteverdi, with excellent rising star Emőke Baráth